ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2012. Vol. 1

Unknown Letter of Petr Kropotkin

M. V. Konstantinov, T. A. Konstantinova

For the first time the unknown letter of P. Kropotkin, the Russian anarchism ideologist, is published.

P. Kropotkin, Trans-Baikal region, unknown letter

1. TBSA (the Trans-Baikal Region State Archive) F. 19. Inv. 1. Doc. 7.

2. TBSA F. 18. Inv. 1. Doc. 20, 21, 25, 29.

3. Artemyev A. R. Cities and fortresses of the Trans-Baikal region and Priamurye in the second half of the XVIIth – XVIIIth c. / A. R. Artemyev. – Vladivostok : The Institute of history, archeology and ethnography and Far East of the FEB of the RAS: Primorskiy poligraphkombinat, 1999. – 336 c.

4. P. A. Kropotkin's diary / with foreword by A. A. Borovskoy. State edition. – M. : Pg., 1923. – 292 p.

5. Konstantinova T. A. Governors of the Trans-Baikal region in 1851–1917 / T. A. Konstantinova. – Chita : Publishing of Bogdanov G. G., 2001. – 91 p.

6. Kontantinova T. A. Peter Kropotkin' manuscripts and autographs done in Chita // Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin – humanist, scientist, revolutionary. Russian scientific conference : collection of Scientific Papers. – Chita : Publishing of the ChSPI, 1992. – P. 13–15.

7. Kontantinova T. A. Peter Kropotkin and the exhibition of 1862 in Chita // Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin and issues of the modeling of historic and cultural development of the civilization. International conference : collection of Scientific Papers / compiled by P. N. Talerov. – SPb., 2005. – P. 414–419.

8. Kontantinova T. A. The 1st agricultural exposition // Encyclopedia of TRansbaikalia: the Chita region. In 4 vol. V. 4: SYa / chief ed. R. F. Gueniatulin. – Novosibirsk : Science, 2006. – P. 31.

9. Kontantinova T. A. Shanyavskiy A. L. // Encyclopedia of TRansbaikalia: the Chita region. In 4 vol. V. 4: S–Ya / chief ed. R. F. Gueniatulin. – Novosibirsk : Science, 2006. – P. 364.

10. Kropotkin P. A. Diaries of different years / P. A. Kropotkin. – M. : Soviet Russia, 1992. – 464 p. (Russian Diaries).

11. Kropotkin P. A. Revolutionary's memoirs / P. A. Kropotkin. – M. : Mysl, 1990. – 527 p.

12. Kropotkin Peter Alekseyevich. ANtural-science papers. – M. : Science, 1998. – 270 p. – (Scientific heritage. V. 25).

Full text (russian)