ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2012. Vol. 1

Genesis and Main Features of Babr in the Coat of Arms of the Irkutsk Province

I. G. Kurennaya

The article concerns the features and the meaning of the Coat of Arms of the Irkutsk Region.

History of the Irkutsk province, provincial coat of arms

1. Vorobyev V. V. Cities of the southern part of Eastern Siberia (historic and geographic essays) /the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science of the USSR. Irkutsk, 1959. Issue 28. Series Economics and geography. P. 27.

2. The Russian National Library. The Hermitage Museum collection № 237 Manuscript of the late XVII – early XVIII c. [Facsimile edition].

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5. Andrey Khristophorovich's book on philosophy // Belova O. V. Slavic bestiary. Dictionary of names and symbols / the Russian Academy of Science. The Institute for Slavic studies. М., 2001. P. 63. 6. Description of the Irkutsk region ruled by governor-general. 1988. P. 44.

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10. Yurguenson G. A. Babr is a tiger // The Trans-Baikal [Chita]. 1994. December 20th.

11. The Russian State Archive of the historical acts. Documents of the economics board archive. F. 281. Doc. 4910.

12. 1690 – Description of the Irkutsk region ruled by governorgeneral. 1988. P. 62–63 1696 – Pezhemskiy P. I., Krotov V. A. Chronicle of Irkutsk / with foreword, comments by I. I. Serebrennikov // Scientific works of the East Siberian Branch of the Russian Geographic Society. Irkutsk, 1911. N 5. P. 6.

13. Complete set of Laws of the Russian Empire-1. Vol. XXIII. N 16913.

14. Description of the Irkutsk region ruled by governor-general. 1988. P. 63.

15. "Explanatory and encyclopedic dictionary of the complete set of works of D. V. Piskarev, № 198, XVII. RSL" // Belova O. V. Ibid. P. 63.

16. Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XIth–XVIIth c. / The Academy of Science of the USSR. The Institute of the Russian language. M. : Publishing house Science, 1975. Vol. 1. P. 62.

17. Correct – Kazvin, a city in the north of Iran.

18. Description of the Irkutsk region ruled by governor-general. 1988. P. 44.

19. The Trans-Baikal Region State Archive. F. 10. Inv. 8. P. 57 back of page.

20. Ibid. Inv. 21. P. 105 back of page. 147.

21. Grigoriy Karpovich Kotoshikhin (Koshikhin) – a scrivener of the Posolsk Desctrict. He wrote an assay on Russia ordered by the Swedish king, which was banned in Russia. In 1664 fled to Sweden.

22. Eliasov L. E. Dictionary of Russian dialects in the Trans-Baikal region / the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Science of the USSR. The Buryat branch of the Institute for social studies. M. : Publishing house Science, 1980. P. 57.

23. Pezhemskiy P. I., Krotov V. A. Chronicle of Irkutsk. P. 123.

24. Semivskiy N. V. New, curious and verified narration on Eastern Siberia, which was mostly unknown. SPb. : Publishing house of His Highness, 1817. P. 31.

25. Ibid. P. 189.

26. Dal V. I. Thesaurus of the Great Russian language. M., 1880. Vol. 1. P. 35.

27. Ibid. 1882. P. 405.

28. Dictionary of the Russian Language of the XVIIIth c. / The Academy of Science of the USSR. The Institute of the Russian language. L. : Publishing house Science,1984. Vol. 1. P. 124.

29. Life of animals. Mammals / Ed. V. E. Sоkolova. М. : Publishing house Enlightenment, 1989. Vol. 7. P. 323.

30. Cherkasov A. A. Ibid. P. 376–386.

31. The Irkutsk region territory ruled by governor-general with the center in Irkutsk included territories of the current Pribaikalskiy kray, the Trans-Baikal, the Extreme North and the Far East and consisted of 4 regions: Irkutsk, Nerchinsk, Yakutsk and Okhotsk.

32. Vinkler P. P. Ibid. P. XVII.

33. The Trans-Baikal Region State Archive. F. 272. Inv. 1. Doc. 10. P. 93.

34. The Complete set of Laws of the Russian Empire-1. Vol. 10. N 7581.

35. Selected emblems and symbols in the Russian, Latin, French, German and English languages, which were explained earlier in Amsterdam and later in St. Petersburg in 1788, ed. by Nestor Maksimovich Ambodik. SPb. : Imperial publishing house, 1911 Emblems and symbols / art. by A. E. Makhov. M. : Publishing house Intrada, 2000. P. 67.

36. The Complete set of Laws of the Russian Empire-1. Vol. 53. № 58684.

37. Boris VAsilievich Kene (1817–1886). Born in Berlin, Baron, Head of the Heraldry Department of coat of arms from 1857, employee of the Hermitage Museum, archaeologist, numismatist, herald.

38. Skalon V. N. Beavers of the North Asia. М.: Publishing house of the Moscow society of naturalists, 1951. P. 25.

39. "Collection of OSRK" // Belova O. V. Ibid. P. 64.

40. Soboleva N. A. Old coat of arms of the Siberian cities. M. : Publishing house Science, 1985. P. 113–114.

41. Skalon V. N. Ibid. P. 25.

Full text (russian)