ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2018. Vol. 24

Indigenous people of Siberia in the XIX – Early XX Century in the Works by L.M. Dameshek

B. Ts. Zhalsanova

The article introduces historiographic review of scientific works by L.M. Dameshek on problems related to the policy of the Russian state in relation to Siberian non-Russians, local self-government of the Buryats in the XIX - early XX century.

For citation:

Zhalsanova B.Ts. Indigenous people of Siberia in the XIX – Early XX Century in the Works by L.M. Dameshek. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 108-118. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2018.24.108 (in Russian)

Siberian foreign issue, Statute on the government of non-Slavs in 1822, ethnic self-government, yasak commission, regionalism, L.M. Dameshek




1. Dameshek L.M. Korennoe naselenie Eniseiskoi gubernii po dannym revizii 1840-1841 gg. [The indigenous population of the Yenisei gubernia according to the data of the audit of 1840-1841]. Voprosy istorii Sibiri [Questions of the history of Siberia]. Irkutsk, 1973, vol. 3, pp. 147-159. (in Russian)

2. Dameshek L.M., Kuznecov A.S. Sibirskaya reforma 1822 g. [The Siberian Reform of 1822]. Voprosy istorii Sibiri [Questions of the history of Siberia]. Irkutsk, 1973, vol. 3, pp. 142-146. (in Russian)

3. Dameshek L.M. Yаsachnaya komissiya 1827-1835 gg. v Vostochnoj Sibiri [Yasakachy Commission of 1827-1835 gg. in Eastern Siberia]. Sibirskii istoricheskij sbornik: soc.-ekon. i polit. razvitie Sibiri [Siberian historical collection: sots.-ekon. and polit. the development of Siberia]. Irkutsk, 1973, vol. 1, pp. 3-21. (in Russian)

4. Dameshek L.M. Tsarizm i narody Vostochnoi Sibiri v kontse XVIII – pervoi polovine XIX vv. Avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. [Tsarism and the peoples of Eastern Siberia at the end of the XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis]. Irkutsk, 1974, 20 р. (in Russian)

5. Dameshek L.M. Yasachnaya politika tsarizma v Sibiri po materialam revizii I.N. Tolstogo [Tsarist policy of Tsarism in Siberia, based on the revision of I.N. Tolstoy]. Sibirskii istoricheskii sbornik: sots. – ekon. i polit. razvitie Sibiri [Siberian historical collection: sots.-ekon. and polit. the development of Siberia]. Irkutsk, 1975, vol. 3, pp. 77-99. (in Russian)

6. Dameshek L.M. Russkaya tserkov i narody Sibiri v pervoi polovine XIX v. [The Russian Church and the peoples of Siberia in the first half of the 19th century]. Sotsialno-ekonomicheskoe i politicheskoe razvitie Sibiri XIX – XX vv. [Socio-economic and political development of Siberia XIX – XX centuries]. Irkutsk, 1976, рр. 17-31. (in Russian)

7. Dameshek L.M. Istoriya narodov Severnoi Azii v trudakh F.A. Kudryavtseva [History of the peoples of North Asia in the works of F.A. Kudryavtsev]. Problemy vostokovedeniya v trudakh uchenykh Vostochnoi Sibiri: tez. dokl. nauch. region. konf. Irkutsk, 10-12 aprelya 1980 g. [Problems of Oriental Studies in the Proceedings of Scientists of Eastern Siberia: Tez. doc. sci. region. сonf. Irkutsk, 10-12 April 1980]. Irkutsk, 1980, рр. 33-34. (in Russian)

8. Dameshek L.M. K voprosu ob otsenke vzaimnogo vliyaniya russkogo i korennykh narodov Sibiri v russkoi istoriografii XIX v. [On the issue of assessing the mutual influence of Russian and indigenous peoples of Siberia in 19th century Russian historiography]. Sibir v proshlom, nastoyashchem i budushchem: tez. dokl. i soobshch. Vsesoyuzn. nauch. konf., 15-16 okt. 1981 g. [Tez. doc. and communication. All-Union. sci. Conf., October 15-16. 1981]. Novosibirsk, 1981, vol. 3: History and culture of the peoples of Siberia, pp. 93-95. (in Russian)

9. Dameshek L.M. N.M. Yadrintsev o vzaimnom vliyanii russkogo i korennykh narodov Sibiri [N.M. Yadrintsev on the mutual influence of Russian and indigenous peoples of Siberia]. Problemy sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo i politicheskogo razvitiya stran Vostoka: tez. dokl. nau. region. konf., Irkutsk, 14-16 maya 1981 g. [Problems of socio-economic and political development of the countries of the East: theses. doc. sci. region. Conf., Irkutsk, May 14-16, 1981]. Irkutsk, 1981, pp. 76-81. (in Russian)

10. Dameshek L.M. Istoriya narodov Severnoi Azii v trudakh amerikanskogo istorika Marka Raeva [The history of the peoples of North Asia in the writings of the American historian Mark Raev]. Strany Vostoka: problemy sotsialno-ekonomicheskogo i politicheskogo razvitiya: tez. dokl. nauch. konf., 13-15 maya 1982 g. [Countries of the East: problems of socio-economic and political development: theses. doc. sci. Conf., May 13-15, 1982]. Irkutsk, 1982, pp. 17-18. (in Russian)

11. Dameshek L.M. Zakon 1893 g. o krestiyanskikh nachalnikakh v sovetskoi istoricheskoi literature [The Law of 1893 on Peasants' Heads in Soviet Historical Literature]. Aktualnye problemy istorii Vostochnoi Sibiri: tez. dokl. nauch. region. konf., 15-17 noyabrya 1983 g. [Actual problems of the history of Eastern Siberia: theses. doc. sci. region. Conf., November 15-17, 1983]. Irkutsk, 1983, pp. 24-25. (in Russian)

12. Dameshek L.M. Kodifikatsiya norm obychnogo prava narodov Sibiri kak istochnik po istorii tsarizma v XIX v. [Codification of the customary laws of the peoples of Siberia as a source on the history of tsarism in the XIX century]. Istochnikovedenie gosudarstva i prava dorevolyutsionnoi Rossii [Source study of the state and law of pre-revolutionary Russia]. Irkutsk, 1983, рр. 29-41. (in Russian)

13. Dameshek L.M. Yasachnaya politika tsarizma v Sibiri v v XIX – nachale ХХ vv. [Tsarist policy in Siberia v XIX – the head of the ХХ сenturies]. Irkutsk, Irkutsk State Univ. Publ., 1983, 137 р. (in Russian)

14. Dameshek L.M. Vnutrennyaya politika tsarizma. XIX – nachalo ХХ veka. [The internal policy of tsarism. XIX – the beginning of the XX century]. Irkutsk, Irkutsk State Univ. Publ., 1986, 165 р. (in Russian)

15. Dameshek L.M. Politika rossiiskogo samoderzhaviya v otnoshenii narodov Sibiri v epokhu kapitalizma (1861-1917 gg.): Avtoref. dis. … d-ra ist. nauk [The policy of the Russian autocracy in relation to the peoples of Siberia in the era of capitalism (1861-1917). Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis]. Irkutsk, 1987, 31 p. (in Russian)

16. Dameshek L.M. Istoriografiya i istochnikovedenie narodov Sibiri epokhi kapitalizma (1861-1917) [Historiography and source study of the peoples of Siberia in the epoch of capitalism (1861-1917)]. Irkutsk, Irkutsk State Univ. Publ., 1983, 83 р. (in Russian)

17. Dameshek L.M. Sibirskie inorodtsy v imperskoi strategii vlasti (XVIII – nachalo XX v.). Seriya «Aziatskaya Rossiya» [Siberian non-Russians in the imperial strategy of power (XVIII – early XX century.). Series «Asian Russia»]. Irkutsk, East-Sib. ed. company, 2007, 320 p. (in Russian)

18. Gimel'shtein A.V., Dameshek L.M., Senina E.A. Obraz «inorodtsev» na stranitsakh sibirskoi periodicheskoi pechati (vtoraya polovina XIX – nachalo XX v. [The image of «aliens» in the pages of the Siberian periodical press (the second half of the XIXth century and the beginning of the 20th century)]. Irkutsk, East-Siberian Publ., 2007, 320 р. (in Russian)

19. Gimel'shtein A.V., Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L., Danilenko A.V. Regionalnaya vlast i obshchestvennost Sibiri (XIX – nachalo XX v.) [Regional power and the public of Siberia (XIX – early XX century)]. Irkutsk, East-Siberian Publ., 2007, 256 р. (in Russian)

20. Dameshek L.M. Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. Istoriya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya buryat v XIX – nachale XX v. [History of local government Buryats in the XIX – early XX centuries]. Irkutsk, ISU Publ., 2013, 503 p. (in Russian)

21. Dameshek L.M. Narody Sibiri v administrativnoi sisteme Aziatskoi Rossii XVIII – nachala XX v. [Peoples of Siberia in the administrative system of Asian Russia XVIII – early XX centuries. Series «Russia Asiatic»]. Irkutsk, ISU Publ., 2016, 230 р. (in Russian)

22. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L., Pertseva T.A. Sibirskie reformy M.M. Speranskogo 1822 g.: opyt administrativnogo regulirovaniya interesov tsentra i regiona [Siberian reforms of Speransky 1822: the experience of administrative regulation of interests of the center and the region. Series «Russia Asian»]. Irkutsk, ISU Publ., 2017, 339 p. (in Russian)

23. Dameshek L.M (otv. red.). Istoriya Ust-Ordynskogo Buryatskogo avtonomnogo okruga /. [History of the Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug]. Moscow, Progress Publ., 1995, 543 р. (in Russian)

24. Kuras L.V. Chasovoi imperskogo regionalizma i okrainnoi politiki Rossiiskoi imperii [Sentry imperial regionalism and marginal policy of the Russian Empire]. Irkutsk Historical and Economic Yearbook, 2018. Irkutsk, BSU Publ., 2018, pp. 589-593. (in Russian)

25. Petrushin Yu.A. Lichnost istorika i vyzovy vremeni (k 60-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya professora L.M. Damesheka) [Personality of the historian and challenges of the time (on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the birth of Professor L.M. Dameshek. Lev Mikhailovich Dameshk: on the occasion of his 60th birthday: a bibliographic index]. Irkutsk, Ottysk Publ., 2008, 48 p. (in Russian)

26. Dameshek I.L., Petrushin Yu.P. (otv. red.). Rossiya i Sibir: integratsionnyi protsessy v novom istoricheskom izmerenii (XVIII – nachalo ХХ v.) [Russia and Siberia: integration processes in a new historical dimension (XVIII – early XX century). Series «Asian Russia»]. Irkutsk, 2008, pp. 20-21. (in Russian)

27. Dameshek I.L., Dameshek L.M., Zinoviev V.P., Remnev A.V., Suvorova N.G., Shakherov V.P., Shilovskii M.V. Sibir v sostave Rossiiskoi imperii [Siberia in the Russian Empire]. Moscow, New literary review, 2007, 368 p. (in Russian)

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