ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2011. Vol. 1

Launch of the Newspaper Publishing in Eastern Siberia

A. V. Gimelshtein

The article concerns the launch of the first newspaper "Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti" (1857) in Eastern Siberian. Besides it considers the first newspaper's function in formulating of "Siberian questions" in the middle of the XIX c.

Eastern Siberia, cities, newspaper, "Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti", Siberian questions

1. Three centuries. Russia from revolt up to modern times. Historical digest of the XVII c. the first half / under the editorship of V. V. Kallash. M., 1912. V. III.

2. Journal of Peter the Great' time. Issue I. 1703–1707. M., 1903.

3. History of Siberia. Leningrad, 1968. V. III.

4. It's required to notice that first personnel arrangements in Siberia appeared in late XVIII c. during the Ekaterina II governance due to Governor-Generals' designations. For further information refer to: Complete set of Laws-I. V. 24. N 17494. Personnel book, August 8, 1796. Whereas the Siberian Governor-Generals were asserted for the first time in 1822 simultaneously with the formation of the Siberian provinces government.

5. Morozova N. A. Western Siberia administration and the local printed media (1857–1866): author's abstract of dissertation … Candidate of historical sciences. Novosibirsk, 2009.

6. Siberian Soviet Encyclopedia. Novosibirsk, 1929. V. I.

7. Mathanova N. P. Eastern Siberia political exiles and social leaders cooperation in "Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti" in 1857–1860-s. // Exile and social-political life (the XVII – early XX c.). Novosibirsk, 1978.

8. Podolskaya L.Ya., F. M. Polischuk V. I. Vaguin – researcher, publicist, bibliophile. Irkutsk, 2006.

9. Such conclusion is based on, firstly, materials of the newspaper "Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti", secondly, the given in the literature analysis of the Western Siberia Administration policy towards the printed media and its reasoning that the level of the Eastern Siberia newspaper "Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti" "from the beginning corresponded to the similar editions which had been published for several decades". For further information refer to: Morozova N. A. Ibid. P. 19.

10. Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti. 1857. N 2.

11. Otechestvenniye zapisky (Russian memoirs). 1857. V. 113, N 8.

12. Estimated by the author on the materials of "Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti" for the period of 1857–1859-s.

13. Literal heritage. V. 63.

14. Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti. 1859. N 11.

15. Rayevskiy B. F. Rural scenes // High aspiration. Irkutsk, 1975.

16. Ibid. P. 110.

17. Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti. 1859. N 18.

18. Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti. 1858. N 31.

19. Ibid.

20. Irkutskiye Gubernskiye Vedomosti. 1859. N 12.

21. Ibid. N 50.

22. Analects. SPb., 1885. P. 372.

23. For the further information on the history of formation and activity of the First and the Second Siberian Committees refer to: Dameshek I. L., Dameshek L. M. Siberia in the system of imperial regionalism. Irkutsk, 2009.

24. Kubalov V. G. Hertsen and the sibirian community. Irkutsk, 1958.

25. Bakunin M. A. Collected works and letters. M., 1935. V. IV.

26. For the further information on the Far Eastern policy of N. N. Muraviev-Amurskiy refer to: Remnev A. V. Far Eastern Siberia. Imperial geography of the authorities in the XIX – early XX c. Omsk, 2004.

27. Kоzura A. V. Russian historiography on the significance of N. N. Muraviev-Amurskiy in formation of Far Eastern policy of Russia // Relationships between Russian, Siberian and Eastern countries’ people: history and contemporaneity. M. Irkutsk, 1997. Issue 2.

28. Mathanova N. P. Governor-Generals of Eastern Siberia from the middle of the XIX c. V.Ya. Rupert, N. N. Muraviev-Amurskiy, M. S. Korsakov. Novosibirsk, 1998. etc.

29. Mathanova N. P. Ibid. P. 175–176.

30. Pertceva T. A. Decemrists and Eastern Siberia Governor-Generals: imperial, regional and individual interests confrontation // Siberian society in the context of World and Russian History (the XIX–XX c.): materials of the All-Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 200-th anniversary of the Governor-General N. N. Muraviev-Amurskiy's birth (Irkutsk, October 1–2, 2009). Irkutsk, 2009. (Asian Russia).

31. Katkov M. N. About the publishing. M., 1905.

32. Esin B. N. Russian newspaper in the second half of the XIX c.: author's abstract of dissertation … Doctor of Phylosophy. M., 1973.

33. Goldfarb S. Newspaper publishing in Siberia. The first half of the XIX – the beginning of the XX c. Irkutsk, 2002.

34. History of Siberia. L., 1968.

35. Slovtsov P. A. History of Siberia. M., 2006.

36. Viguel F. F. Memoirs. M., 2000. P. 191. The author considers necessary to note that the extract was cited for the first time by A. S. Kuznetsov, and later by A. V. Remnev. Refer to: Kuznetsov A. S. Siberian programme of tsarizm in 1852 // Essays on History of Siberia. Irkutsk, 1971. Issue 2. P. 12 Remnev A. V. Autocracy and Siberia. Omsk, 1995.

37. Dameshek I. L. Siberia in the system of imperial regionalism (comparative research of the suburban policy of Russia in the first half of the XIX c.). Irkutsk, 2002.

38. Ibid. P. 165.

39. Kodan S. V. Decembrists exile to Siberia (historical-juridical research). Irkutsk, 1983.

40. Kubalov B. G. Bakunin / B. G. Kubalov // Siberian Soviet Encyclopedia. Novosibirsk, 1929. V. I.

41. On the governmental policy in Siberia in the XIX – early XX c. Refer to: Dameshek I. L., Dameshek L.M. Siberia in the system of imperial regionalism (1822–1917). Irkutsk, 2009.

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