ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2011. Vol. 1

Siberian Print News Coverage to the Labourers' Plight in the Gold-diggers of Eastern Siberia

N. A. Bushina

The abstract depicts particularities of working conditions of East Siberian gold-diggers in early 80-s of the XIX c., the essence of their labour matter, its' in-state regulations and status. Here the writer describes the ways and means proposed in local print coverage to settle the matter and the review is being provided.

working conditions, Siberian press, gold-mining, contrabande alcohol, gold-diggers

1. Preobrazhenskii A. A. In light of historical role of later-feudal Russia’s outskirts with reference to Lenin’s prerevolutionary works // Actual problems of Russian history in feudal age. M., 1970. P. 368.

2. Cit.: Remnev A. V. Autocracy and Siberia. Omsk, 1995. P. 15.

3. Vigel F. F. Travel notes. M., 2000. P. 191. The author here presupposes it is being necessary to mention that the excerption having been first done by A. S. Kuznetzov, followed by A. V. Remnev at prosiberian researches of different periods. Rf. Kuznetzov A. S. Siberian programme for tzarizm 1852 // Siberia’s History Feature Articles. II iss. Irkutsk, 1971. P. 12 Remnev A. V. Autocracy and Siberia. Omsk, 1995. P. 17.

4. Rf. Pavlov P. N. Siberian Trapping of XVII century. Krasnoyarsk, 1972.

5. What opposes gold-mining development // The Amur. 1861. N 45. P. 354–357.

6. What opposes gold-mining development // The Amur. 1861. N 45. P. 354–357.

7. From the Enisey Taiga // The Siberian Paper. 1895. N 20. P. 493.

8. Strike of gold-diggers // The Siberian Paper. 1895. N 33. P. 845–848.

9. About diggers workforce matter // The Eastern Review. 1896. N 31. P. 3.

10. On diggers’ matter // The Siberia. 1882. N 41. P. 2–3.

11. On diggers’ matter // The Siberia. 1882. N 41. P. 2–3.

12. Our local gold trades // The Eastern Review. 1891. N 4. P. 2.

13. How much is the gold // The Eastern Review. 1883. N 25. P. 1.

14. Working conditions of golddiggers of the Enisey Province // The Enisey Leaflet. 1892. N 13. P. 2.

15. Improper working conditions and the way out // The Eastern Review. 1890. N 6. P. 1–2.

16. What the Lena-based gold mines lack // The Eastern Review. 1886. N 50. P. 9.

17. From North-Enisey gold mines // The Siberian Paper. 1885. N 34. P. 1.

18. The Editorial // Gold trading and General Mining Herald. 1895. N 10. P. 103.

19. From publications on gold mining // The Eastern Review. 1896. N 25. P. 8.

20. The Taigaman about gold-diggers matter // The Eastern Review. 1888. N 33. P 1.

21. From Northern Enisey goldminers // The Siberian Paper. 1884. N 37. P. 946.

22. Precautions against alcoholthieves // The Siberia 1884. N 48. P. 2–4.

23. The Editorial // Gold trading and General Mining Herald. 1895. N 2. P. 23–24.

24. About gold-trade essence // the Siberia. 1876. N 46. P. 1.

25. Precautions against alcoholthieves // The Siberia 1884. N 48. P. 2–4.

26. Gold-trade’s another concern for Siberia // Тhe Siberia. 1886. N 51–52. P. 4–6.

27. The Eniseyan Gold mining // The Siberian Paper. 1886. October 19th (iss. 42). P. 1184.

28. Alcohol stealing and vine trade at gold mines // The Siberian Paper. 1884. September 30th (iss. 40). P. 981.

29. Alcohol stealing and vine trade at gold mines // The Siberian Paper. 1884. September 30th (iss. 40). P. 1185–1186.

30. Alcohol stealing and vine trade at gold mines // The Siberian Paper. 1884. September 30th (iss. 40). P. 982.

31. Health Statistics Report // The Enisey Provincial Journal. 1862. July 18th (iss. 28). P. 82.

32. Lamin V. A. Siberian Gold Track. Novosibirsk : Nauka, 2002. P. 87.

33. Legends of gold fields // The Siberia. 886. April 5th (iss.14–15). P. 19–21.

34. Health Statistics Report // The Enisey Provincial Journal. 1862. July 18th (iss.28). P. 84.

35. Payment day // The Siberia. 884. May 13th (iss.20). P. 8.

36. To Vitim // The Siberia. 1878. March 26th (iss.8). P. 4.

37. Ibid.

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