ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2018. Vol. 25

Officials-Intellectuals in Siberia XIX Century

N. P. Matkhanova

The question of interactions between governing authorities and intellectuals is one of the most important and severe questions in the Russian Empire history; however, the activity and lives of intellectual representatives of authorities have not been thoroughly studied yet. These people comprise a special category among the intellectuals as well as among the authorities’ representatives. We base our research on the definition which is most suitable for this category of people: «intellectual» is «a person who performs the most difficult and intellectual kinds of mental activity». Speaking of Siberia in XIX century, we can distinguish several groups of intellectual officials. 1. The officials whose mental activity was weakly connected to their administrative activities. A famous botanist N.S. Turchaninov, literary artists N. I. Naumov, A. K. Kuz'min and others are among them. 2. The officials whose mental activity was indirectly connected to their professional activities. This group includes multiple Siberian (East-Siberian and West-Siberian) departments of the geographical society, authors and reporters from periodicals. This group included a researcher and enlightener G.I. Spasskiy, a member of Siberian Department of the Imperial Geographical Society and Irkutsk Governorate Statistic Committee, editor, organizer of several educational societies, patron of girl’s high school and non-classical secondary school B. A. Milyutin, a secretary of Tomsk Governorate Statistic Committee, author of multiple historical, ethnographical, geographical and region statistics articles, the editor of informal part of “Tomsk Governorate Vedomosti” newspaper N. A. Kostrov and others. The third, and the most important group, includes governor generals, governors, vice-governors and their subordinates who were preoccupied with highly intellectual activities connected to research, analysis, materials, facts and data classification, integration of pieces of information, preparing key management solutions and projects, and who determined the development of the region and its particular life spheres. Often heads of the administrative authorities were intellectual leaders, they offered their behavior pattern, intellectual interests and activities to the subordinates, could attract and inspire and/or force the subordinates and wider public to take part in their initiatives. Enisei governor A. P. Stepanov, Tobolsk governor V. A. Artsimovich, Eastern Siberia governor general N. N. Murav'yov-Amurskiy, Western Siberia governor general N.G. Kaznakov and others are among them. The number of intellectual officials was rather big, and their role was significant. Both their number and their influence increased due to the growth in education level and higher requirements to the informational and intellectual administrative support. Mental activities could be an initiative of the employees and/or a proposal from their direct authorities, senior government or local society.

About the Authors

Matkhanova Natalia Petrovna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Institute of History SB RAS, 8, Nikolayev st., Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(383)330-36-71, e-mail: istochnik_history@mail.ru

For citation

Matkhanova N.P. Officials-Intellectuals in Siberia XIX Century. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2018, vol. 25, pp. 21-35. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2018.25.21 (in Russian)

officials, intellectuals, intellectual leaders, administration, the Siberian History XIX Century
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