ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2020. Vol. 32

Vasily Mikhailovich Vershinin – Barnaul Merchant in Russian History

Yu. M. Goncharov, L. M. Dmitrieva

Interest to the role of the person in history is shown even at the earliest stages of the development of historical science. In the contemporary Russian historiography, it is also possible to note the close attention of researchers to significant personalities. This attention will undoubtedly always be relevant. The authors of this article wanted to draw readers the interest to the figure of Vasily Mikhailovich Vershinin – a Barnaul merchant of the 2nd Guild, who by the will of fate was an active participant in the dramatic events of the Russian revolution of 1917. The restoration of V. M. Vershinin's biography is based on a fairly wide range of sources: clerical materials of city magistrates offices, reference publications, memoirs and memoirs, materials of the periodical press. In 1911, at the age of 34, V. M. Vershinin founded in Barnaul a private newspaper of a liberal direction – “Life of Altai”. The pinnacle of Vershinin's political career was his election as a Deputy of the IV Russian State Duma from the Tomsk province. In the Duma, Vasily Mikhailovich was a member of the labor fraction, was elected a vice-chairman of the Bureau of the fraction, and was close to the leader of the labor faction, Alexander Kerensky. He was a member of the Siberian parliamentary group. After the February revolution of 1917, V. M. Vershinin was a member of the Executive (temporary) Committee of the State Duma for the creation of a Provisional government. Vershinin was one of four deputies of The state Duma who accepted the resignation of Emperor Nicholas II. He organized the exile of the last Tsar to the Siberian City of Tobolsk and the evacuation of members of the Royal family from the Crimea. The fate of Vasily Mikhailovich Vershinin is significant for that era. The son of a poor Vyatka peasant who moved to Siberia and became a Barnaul merchant, managed to significantly expand his father's business and found his own, "to his liking". He belonged to a generation of entrepreneurs who already understood the need for education, valued intellectual work and political freedom. The activity of V. M. Vershinin is an example of how the civilly active part of the merchant class objectively and correctly understood the requirements of the moment. V. M. Vershinin is not only a merchant who respected the interests of his business, but also an entrepreneur who was not afraid to invest his capital in the sphere of education and culture, a socio-political figure in the broad sense of the word.

About the Authors

Goncharov Yuri Mikhailovich, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Department of Russian History, Altai State University, 61, Lenin st., Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation, e-mail: yuriig@yandex.ru 

Dmitrieva Lidiya Mikhailovna, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Head, Department of Russian as a Foreign Language, Altai State University, 61, Lenin st., Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation, e-mail: dmitrlm@mail.ru

For citation

Goncharov Yu.M., Dmitrieva L.M. Vasily Mikhailovich Vershinin – Barnaul Merchant in Russian History. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2020, vol. 32, pp. 51-62. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2020.32.51 (in Russian)

Vershinin, merchants, Siberia, Barnaul, revolution, 1917
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