ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2022. Vol 42

The Realities of the Historical Experience of Missionary Activity in the Baikal Region

I. I. Yurganova
The article, based on the appeal to the historiographical potential and published and unpublished sources, examines the main milestones and directions of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Baikal region during the imperial period. The study contains a brief description of the methods of Christianization of foreign ethnic groups in the context of state policy, which determined the specifics of missionary work and the emergence of syncretic practices of twoand three-faith. The conclusion is formulated that the lack of regular state support, insufficient funding and staffing of missionary work led to little success in involving both pagans and converts to Buddhism in the Christian mentality.
About the Authors
Yurganova Inna Igorevna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Leading Research Scientist, Institute of Russian History RAS, 19, Dmitry Ulyanov st., Moscow, 117292, Russian Federation, е-mail: inna.yurganova@mail.ru
For citation
Yurganova I. I. The Realities of the Historical Experience of Missionary Activity in the Baikal Region. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2022, vol. 42, pp. 6-20. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2022.42.6 (in Russian)
missionary activity, Russian Orthodox Church, Baikal region, Buddhism in Transbaikalia, missionary camp, paganism, datsan.
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