ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2024. Vol 48

Russian-Chinese Fur Trade in the 18th–19th Centuries Based on Private Statistics from M. V. Pikhtin

M. D. Kushnareva
The development of the Russian-Chinese fur trade in the 18th-19th centuries is considered based on private statistics. A brief description of the source and a biographical note of its compiler are given. It is noted that in the 18th – first half of the 19th century the main point in the organization of the Russian-Chinese fur trade was Kyakhta. In 1800, the share of fur raw materials in trade with China was 70 %. In 1824–1828 Russian fur exports amounted to 3.2 million rubles in 1836–1840 – 2.6 million rubles. In the first half of the 19th century the total turnover of Russian-Chinese trade reached 800 million rubles. In the second half of the 19th century in China, there was still a high demand for Russian furs, which came from Russia through large fairs.
About the Authors
Kushnareva Margarita Dmitrievna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Applied Informatics and Documentation Science, Irkutsk State University, 1, Karl Marx st., 664003, Irkutsk, Russian Federation, e-mail: rita270880@mail.ru
For citation

Kushnareva M.D. Russian-Chinese Fur Trade in the 18th-19th Centuries Based on Private Statistics from M. V. Pikhtin. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2024, vol. 48, pp. 99-106. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2024.48.99 (in Russian)

Russian-Chinese trade, furs, Kyakhta, Asia-Pacific region, merchants, trade.
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