ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2024. Vol 49

The Problem of Using of the Practices of Revolutionary Terror in the Defense of Tsaritsyn in 1918 (Based on the Materials of K. A. Makhrovsky's Diary and Historical Discussions about the “Conspiracy of Engineer N. P. Alekseev”). Part 1

V. V. Bronstein
The article examines the practice of using revolutionary terror during the defense of Tsaritsyn in 1918. An assessment is given of the role of I. V. Stalin in the development of these practices. A description and critical analysis of management methods is provided using the example of arrests of K. A. Makhrovsky`s expedition members. The structure and content of Makhrovsky's diary as an important historical source describing the events of the defense of Tsaritsyn during the Civil War are analyzed. The actions of the parties during a possible conflict between various representatives of Soviet power on the ground are described. The question is raised about the origins of the use of revolutionary violence during the Civil War and the possibility of the influence of this factor on the further development of the country.
About the Authors
Bronstein Viktor Vladimirovich, Candidate of Sciences (Economics) (Applied Sociology), Honorary Professor ISU, Chairman of the Expert Council, Museum of Contemporary Art of Siberia by Viktor Bronstein, 3, Oktyabrskoi Revolyutsii st., Irkutsk, 664007, Russian Federation, e-mail: bronshteyn.victor@gmail.com
For citation

Bronstein V.V. The Problem of Using of the Practices of Revolutionary Terror in the Defense of Tsaritsyn in 1918 (Based on the Materials of K.A. Makhrovsky's Diary and Historical Discussions about the “Conspiracy of Engineer N.P. Alekseev”). Part 1. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 47-59. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2024.49.47 (in Russian)

I. V. Stalin, defense of Tsaritsyn, K. A. Makhrovsky, N. P. Alekseev, Bolsheviks, terror, conspiracy.
94 (47)
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