ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2018. Vol. 24

Siberian Regionalism as a Stability Factor for the Russian Empire in the Works of L.M. Dameshek (Toward the 70th Anniversary of D.Sc. in History, Professor Dameshek Lev Mikhailovich)

B. V. Bazarov, L. V. Kuras

The article is dedicated to the works by Professor L.M. Dameshek. His anniversary is being celebrated by the academic community for whom Siberian regionalism and understanding the place of Siberia in the Russian Empire became the lifelong devotion. The article considers an important issue of the frontier policy: a place and role of a non-Russian in the Siberian society, in particular, issues of ethnic self-administration that are given priority in works by Lev Dameshek. The article highlights contribution of the scholar in elaboration a conceptual apparatus on the problem of Siberian regionalism strongly anchored in historical science. As a result, Professor Dameshek's works themselves became a historiographical source.

For citation:

Bazarov B.V., Kuras L.V. Siberian Regionalism as a Stability Factor for the Russian Empire in the Works of L. M. Dameshek (Toward the 70th Anniversary of D. Sc. in History, Professor Dameshek Lev Mikhailovich). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2018, vol. 24, pp. 93-107. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2018.24.93 (in Russian)

Professor L. M. Dameshek, Asian Russia, Irkutsk, frontier policy, imperial regionalism, non-Russian, yasak, historiographical source




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3. Dameshek L.M., Gimelshtein A.V., Levchenko V.A., Pushkina T.L. Vystavki i kraevedcheskaya deyatel'nost' VSORGO (1851-1931 gg.) [Exhibitions and Regional Studies at the VSORGO (1851-1931)]. Irkutsk, Vostsibkniga Publ., 2012, 240 p. “Asian Russia” Series. (in Russian)

4. Dameshek L.M. General-gubernatorskii korpus Aziatskoi Rossii i ego osobennosti [The Governor-General Corps of Asiatic Russia and its Specifics. Vestnik Buryatskogo nauchnogo tsentra Sibirskogo otdeleniya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 2014, vol. 1 (13), pp. 88-99. (in Russian)

5. Dameshek L.M. General-gubernatorskii korpus Sibiri: sotsial'nyi portret [The Governor-General Corps of Siberia: A Social Portrait]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. Istoriya [Bulletin of Tomsk State University. History Series], 2014, vol. 5 (31), pp. 4-10. (in Russian)

6. Dameshek L.M., Alekseev S.M. Gorod v sisteme gubernskogo upravleniya [City in the System of Governor Administration]. Irkutsk v panorame vekov: ocherki istorii goroda [Irkutsk in the Centennial Panorama: Essays on the Town History]. Irkutsk, 2002, pp. 149-159. (in Russian)

7. Dameshek L.M., Dykhta A.V. Zakonodatel'no-pravovoe regulirovanie ekonomiki Sibiri v 1850-1860 gg. [The Legal Regulation of Siberia’s Economy]. Vestnik Irkutskogo un-ta [Bulletin of Irkutsk University]. Irkutsk, 2006. Spets. vyp.: Materialy ezhegodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii molodykh uchenykh [Special Volume: Proceedings of the Annual Scientific and Theoretical Conference of Young Scientists], Irkutsk, 2006, pp. 61-63. (in Russian)

8. Dameshek L.M. Institut general-gubernatorov Aziatskoi Rossii i ego osobennosti: uchebnoe posobie [Institute of Governor-Generals of Asiatic Russia and its Specific Features]. Irkutsk, Ottisk Publ., 2011, 127 p. (in Russian)

9. Dameshek L.M. Integratsiya Sibiri v Rossiyu kak komponent gosudarstvennoi natsional'noi politiki [Integration of Siberia in Russia as a Component of State National Policy]. Etnokul'turnoe vzaimodeistvie v Sibiri (XVII-XX vv.) : tezisy dokladov i soobshchenii Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii Novosibirsk, 19-20 noyabrya 2003 g. [Ethnocultural Interaction in Siberia in the 17th-20th Centuries: Theses and Abstracts of International Scientific Conference Novosibirsk, 19-20 November 2003]. Novosibirsk, 2003, pp. 6-11. (in Russian)

10. Dameshek L.M [et al.]. Irkutsk v panorame vekov: ocherki istorii goroda [Irkutsk in the Centennial Panorama: Essays on the Town History]. Irkutsk, Vost.-Sib. izd. kompaniya Publ., 2002, 511 p. (in Russian)

11. Dameshek L.M. Irkutsk v sisteme gubernskogo samoupravleniya Vostochnoi Sibiri XVIII-nachala XX vekov [Irkutsk in the System of Governorship Administration of East Siberia of the 17th – early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsku 350 let – istoriya i sovremennost' : materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii «Sibiryakovskie chteniya» [Irkutsk Turns 350 – History and Modernity: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Confer-ence “Siberian Readings” Irkutsk, 12-13 oktyabrya 2011 g.]. Irkutsk, 2011, pp. 24-29. (in Russian)

12. Dameshek L.M., Gavrilova N.I. Irkutsk v sisteme gubernskogo upravleniya [Irkutsk in the System of Governorship Administration]. Irkutsk nakanune i v 1917 godu : ocherki politicheskoi istorii gubernskogo tsentra [Irkutsk in the Wake of 1917: Essays in Political His-tory of a Provincial Center]. Irkutsk, 2017. Gl. 2: Irkutsk i irkutyane vo vtoroi polovine XIX-nachale XX vekov: traditsii i innovatsii obshchestvennoi zhizni [Chapter 2: Irkutsk and its Dwellers in the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries], pp. 75-96. (in Russian)

13. Dameshek L.M. [et al.]. Irkutsk nakanune i v 1917 godu : ocherki polit. istorii gubern. Tsentra : [kollekt. monogr.] [Irkutsk in the Wake of 1917: Essays in Political History of a Provincial Center : a multi-authored monograph]. Irkutsk, Ottisk Publ., 2017, 543 p. (in Russian)

14. Dameshek L.M. [et al.] Irkutskii krai. Chetyre veka: istoriya Irkutskoi gubernii (oblasti) XVII-XXI vv. : [kollektivnaya monografiya] [The Irkutsk Krai. Four Centuries: Histo-ry of the Irkutsk Province (Region), 17th-21st Centuries: a multi-authored monograph]. Irkutsk, VostSibkniga Publ., 2012, 800 p. (in Russian)

15. Dameshek L.M. Istoriografiya i istochnikovedenie istorii narodov Sibiri epokhi kapitalizma (1861-1917 gg.) [Historiography and Source Studies of the Peoples of Siberia in the Epoch of Capitalism (1861-1917)]. Irkutsk, Izd-vo Irkut gos. un-ta Publ., 1990, 83 p. (in Russian)

16. Dameshek L.M., Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. Istoriya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya buryat v XIX-nachale XX v. [History of Local Self-Administration Bodies of Buryats in the 19th – early 20th Centuries. Irkutsk, Irkut. gos. un-t Publ., 2013, 503 p. “Asian Russia” Series. (in Russian)

17. Dameshek L.M. [et al.]. Istoriya Ust-Ordynskogo Buryatskogo avtonomnogo okruga [History of the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous District]. Moscow, Progress, Kultura Publ., 1995, 543 p. (in Russian)

18. Dameshek L.M. Konfessional'naya politika imperii v aziatskoi Rossii kak sostavnoi element politiki integratsii [Confessional Policy of Empire in Asiatic Russia as a Constituent Element of Integration Policy]. Irkutskii istoriko-ekonomicheskii ezhegodnik [Irkutsk History and Economics Yearbook]. Irkutsk, 2008, pp. 303-306. (in Russian)

19. Dameshek L.M. Khristianizatsiya narodov Sibiri kak sostavnaya chast' okrainoi politiki Rossiiskoi imperii vo vtoroi polovine XIX v. Problemy sokhraneniya otechestvennoi dukhovnoi kul'tury v pamyatnikakh pis'mennosti XVI-XXI vv. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Christianization of Siberian Peoples as an Element of Borderland Policy of the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the 19th Century. Problems of Preservation of Domestic Spiritual Culture in Written Monuments of the 16th – 21st Centuries]. Novosibirsk, 2017, pp. 314-322. (in Russian)

20. Dameshek L.M. Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. Mestnoe samoupravlenie buryat v XIX – nachale XX vv.: ot Stepnykh dum k volostnym pravleniyam [Local Self-Administration of Buryats in the 19th – early 20th Centuries]. Izvestiya Irkutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya «Istoriya» [Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. “History” Series]. 2018, vol. 23, pp. 16-21. (in Russian)

21. Dameshek L.M. Mesto Sibiri v sisteme sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh protsessov imperii [The Place of Siberia in the System of Socioeconomic Processes of the Empire]. Irkutskii istoriko-ekonomicheskii ezhegodnik [Irkutsk History and Economics Yearbook]. Irkutsk, 2011, pp. 52-59. (in Russian)

22. Dameshek L.M. Normativnye akty kak istochnik izucheniya politiki imperskogo regionalizma: na materialakh Sibiri XIX – nachala XX v. [Statutes as a Source of Imperial Regionalism: A Case of Siberia of the 19th – early 20th Centuries]. Sovremennoe istoricheskoe sibirievedenie. Sb. nauch. tr. [Modern Historical Siberian Studies: [a collected volume]. Saint Petersburg, 2010, Issue 3, pp. 81-85. (in Russian)

23. Dameshek L.M., Senina E.A., Gimel'shtein A.V. Obraz «inorodtsev» na stranitsakh sibirskoi periodicheskoi pechati vtoroi poloviny XIX-nachala XX vekov [The Image of “Inorodtsy” on the Pages of Siberian Periodicals of the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, Vost.-Sib. izd. kompaniya Publ., 2007, 320 p. (in Russian)

24. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L., Shakherov V.P., Madzharov A.S., Pertseva T.A. Ocherki istoriografii Sibiri epokhi imperii (XVIII-nachalo XX v.): ucheb. posobie [Essays of Imperial Siberian Historiography (18th – early 20th Centuries)]. Irkutsk, Irkut. gos. un-t Publ., 2017, 261 p. “Asian Russia” Series. (in Russian)

25. Dameshek L.M., Gavrilova N.I. Pribaikal'e v imperskom prostranstve Rossii vtoroi poloviny XIX – nachala XX v.: granitsy regiona, geograficheskoe polozhenie, naselenie [Cisbaikalia in the Imperial Expanse of Russia in the Second Half of the 19th – early 20th Cen-turies]. Irkutsk nakanune i v 1917 godu: ocherki politicheskoi istorii gubernskogo tsentra [Irkutsk in the Wake of 1917: Essays in Political History of a Provincial Center]. Irkutsk, 2017, Gl. 1: Opornyi krai derzhavy [Chapter 1: The Bulwark of the State], pp. 5-17. (in Russian)

26. Dameshek L.M. Problema integratsii korennykh narodov Sibiri v imperskuyu sistemu Rossii XIX – nach. XX v. [The Problem of Integration of the Indigenous Peoples of Russia into the Imperial Russian System of the 19th – early 20th Centuries]. Sibirskoe obshchestvo v kontekste modernizatsii XVIII-XX vv. Sb. materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii, 22-23 sent. 2003 g. [Siberian Society in the Context of Modernization of the 18th – 20th Centuries: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific Conference]. Novosibirsk, 2003, pp. 94-105. (in Russian)

27. Dameshek L.M., Danilenko A.V., Gimel'shtein A.V., Dameshek I.L. Regionalnaya vlast i obshchestvennost Sibiri, XIX-nachalo XX vv. [Regional Power and Siberia’s Public]. Irkutsk, Vost.-Sib. izd. kompaniya Publ., 2007, 256 p. (in Russian)

28. Dameshek L.M., Gimelshtein A.V., Sannikov A.P. Religioznaya politika pravitel'stva i missionerskaya deyatel'nost' tserkvi [Religious Policy of the Government and the Missionary Activity of the Church]. Irkutskii krai. Chetyre veka: istoriya Irkutskoi gubernii (oblasti) XVII-XXI vv. [The Irkutsk Krai. Four Centuries: History of the Irkutsk Province (Region), 17th-21st Centuries: a multi-authored monograph]. Irkutsk, 2012, pp. 282-290. (in Russian)

29. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L. Rossiya i Sibir': mesto Sibiri v protsessakh sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya imperii [Russia and Siberia: the Place of Siberia in the Processes of Social and Economic Development of the Empire. Gumanitarnyi vektor. Ser. Istoriya. Politologiya [Humanities Vector. History. Political Science series]. 2012, vol. 2 (30), pp. 124-132. (in Russian)

30. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L. Rossiya i Sibir: mesto Sibiri v protsessakh sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya imperii [Russia and Siberia: the Place of Siberia in the Processes of Social and Economic Development of the Empire. Gumanitarnyi vektor. Ser. Istoriya. Politologiya [Humanities Vector. History. Political Science series]. 2012, vol. 2 (20), pp. 124-131. (in Russian)

31. Dameshek L.M. Russkaya tserkov' i narody Sibiri v pervoi polovine XIX v. [Russian Church and the Siberian Peoples in the First Half of the 19th Century]. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe i politicheskoe razvitie Sibiri XIX-XX vv. [Social, Economic and Political Development of Siberia in the 19th – 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, 1976, pp. 17-31. (in Russian)

32. Dameshek L.M. Sibirskie «inorodtsy» v imperskoi strategii vlasti XVIII – nachala XX v. [Siberian “Inorodtsy” in the Imperial Strategy of Power in the 18th – early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, Vost.-Sib. izd. kompaniya Publ., 2007, 320 p. “Asian Russia” Series. (in Russian)

33. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L. Sibir' v sisteme imperskogo regionalizma (1822-1917 gg.) [Siberia in the System of Imperial Regionalism (1822-1917). Irkutsk, Reprotsentr A1 Publ., 2009, 389 s. “Asian Russia” Series. (in Russian)

34. Dameshek L.M. Tipologicheskaya kharakteristika i regional'nye osobennosti rossiiskikh okrain XIX v. [Typological Characteristics and Regional Peculiarities of Russia’s Borderlands of the 19th Century]. Sibir' v imperii – imperiya v Sibiri: imperskie protsessy na okrainakh Rossii v XVII – nachale XX vv. [Siberia in Empire, Empire in Siberia: Imperial Processes in Russia’s Borderlands in the 17th – Early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, Ottisk Publ., 2013, pp. 216-230. (in Russian)

35. Dameshek L.M. Organizatsionnye formy rasprostraneniya pravoslaviya sredi narodov Sibiri v XIX – nachale XX v. [Organizational Forms of Spreading Orthodoxy among Siberian Peoples in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries]. Sedmye Shchapovskie chteniya : Khristianskoe nachalo v kulture Rossii XIX-XXI vv. : materialy Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. Irkutsk, 8 okt. 2008 g. [The 7th Schapov’s Readings: Christian Basics in Russian Culture in the 19th-21st Centuries: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference]. Irkutsk, 2008, pp. 78-90. (in Russian)

36. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L., Zinov'ev V.P., Remnev A.V., Suvorova N.G., Shakherov V.P., Shilovskii M.V. Sibir v sostave Rossiiskoi imperii [Siberia as a Part of the Russian Empire]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie Publ., 2007, 364 p. (in Russian)

37. Dameshek L.M. Yasachnaya politika tsarizma v Sibiri v XIX-nachale XX v. [The Yasak Tribute Policy of Tsarism in Siberia in the 19th – Early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, ISU Publ., 1983, 137 p. (in Russian)

38. Dameshek L.M., Dameshek I.L. Yasak v Sibiri v XVIII – nachale XX v. [Yasak in Siberia in the 18th – early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, ISU Publ., 2014, 303 p. “Asian Russia” Series. (in Russian)

39. Zhabaeva L.B., Tsypysheva N.V. Dameshek L.M., Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. Istoriya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya buryat v XIX – nachale XX v. Rets. na monografiyu «Istoriya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya buryat v XIX – nachale XX v.» [History of Self-Administration Bodies of Buryats in the 19th – early 20th Centuries. A Review of Mongograph “History of Self-Administration Bodies of Buryats in the 19th – early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, ISU Publ., 2013. 503 p. 31,5 p.l. Vestnik Vostochno-Sibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta tekhnologii i upravleniya [Bulletin of East Siberian State University of Technology and Management]. Ulan-Ude, Izd-vo VSGUTU Publ., 2014, vol. 4(49), pp. 186-189. (in Russian)

40. Ivanov A.A. Irkutskii issledovatel istorii Sibiri [The Irkutsk Student of Siberian History]. Sibir v imperii – imperiya v Sibiri: imperskie protsessy na okrainakh Rossii v XVII – nachale XX vv. Sibir' v imperii – imperiya v Sibiri: imperskie protsessy na okrainakh Rossii v XVII – nachale XX vv. [Siberia in Empire, Empire in Siberia: Imperial Processes in Russia’s Borderlands in the 17th – Early 20th Centuries]. Irkutsk, Ottisk Publ., 2013, pp. 31-43. (in Russian)

41. Ippolitov G.M. Istoriograficheskii fakt i istoriograficheskii istochnik kak kategorii istoricheskoi nauki: neprostaya dialektika [Historiographical Fact and Historiographical Source as Categories of Historical Science: A Complex Dialectics]. Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 2013, vol. 15, Issue 1, 2013, pp. 184-195. (in Russian)

42. Kazarin V.N. Mestnoe samoupravlenie buryat v imperatorskoi Rossii: sovremennoe videnie. Rets. na monografiyu: Dameshek L.M., Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. Istoriya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya buryat v XIX – nachale XX v. [Local Self-Administration of Buryats in Imperial Russia: A Modern View. A Review of Monograph Dameshek L.M., Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. History of Self-Administration Bodies of Buryats in the 19th – early 20th Centuries. Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo gosuniversiteta, 2013. 503 p. 31,5 p. l.]. Vestnik Buryatskogo nauchnogo tsentra Sibirskogo otdeleniya Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of the Buryat Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences], 2014, vol. 4, pp. 305-310. (in Russian)

43. Kuras L.V. Sibir' v imperii – imperiya v Sibiri: imperskie protsessy na okrainakh Rossii v XVII – nachale XX vv. (istoriografiya problemy v trudakh professora L.M. Damesheka) [Siberia in Empire – Empire in Siberia: Imperial Processes in Russia’s Border-lands in the 17th – early 20th Centuries. Irkutsk, IGU Pabl., 2013. 503 p. 31,5 p. l.]. Irkutsk, Ottisk Publ., 2013, pp. 14-30. (in Russian)

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49. Tuguzhekova V.N. Retsenziya na: Dameshek L.M., Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L.V. Istoriya organov mestnogo samoupravleniya buryat v XIX – nachale XX v. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGU, 2013, 503 p. [A Review of Dameshek L.M., Zhalsanova B.Ts., Kuras L. V. History of Self-Administration Bodies of Buryats in the 19th – early 20th Centuries. Irkutsk, IGU Pabl., 2013. 503 p.]. Nauchnoe obozrenie Sayano-Altaya. Retsenziruemyi nauchnyi zhurnal [Scientific Review of Sayan-Altai. A Peer-Reviewed Scientific Journal], 2015, vol. 4(12), Seriya Istoriya, vyp. 4, pp. 117-118. (in Russian)

50. Kharchenko L.N. Istoriya rasprostraneniya dukhovnoi literatury i dukhovnogo prosveshcheniya v Pribaikal'e v XVII-nachale XX v. : avtoref. dis. ... kand. ist. nauk [History of Spreading Spiritual Literature and Spiritual Enlightenment in Cisbaikalia in the 17th – Early 20th Centuries]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Irkutsk, 1999.

51. Yurganova I.I. Deyatel'nost' Russkoi Pravoslavnoi tserkvi v Yakutskom krae: inkorporatsiya v russkuyu gosudarstvennost (XVII – nach. XX v.). Avtoref. dis. ... d-ra ist. nauk [The Activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Yakutsk Region Incorporation into Russian Statehood (17th – Early 20th Centuries]. Extended abstract of candidate’s thesis. Irkutsk, 2017, 459 p. (in Russian)

52. Robert W. Montgomery [Baldwin Wallace University]. Dameshek Lev Mikhailovich, Zhalsanova Budit Tsydipmunkuevna, Kuras Leonid Vladimirovich. Istoriia organov samoupravleniia buriat v XIX–nachale XX v. Irkutsk, IGU Pabl., 2013. 503 p. Russian Review, 2018, vol. 77, no. 1.

Full text (russian)