ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2018. Vol. 25

Educational Activity of the Local Authorities in Eastern Siberia in the Beginning of the XX Century

I. N. Mamkina

In the article one of the most actual issues of the Russian history, i.e. the development of the local authorities is presented. The author analysed the participation of the local authorities in the system of education in the end of the XX century. Historiographical analysis showed that the role of local authorities in society and culture is studied not so properly and it is analysed only in few works although in the regional history there are numerous works concerning local authorities’ issues. The purpose of the article is to study the role of the municipal Dumas and the rural gatherings in Eastern Siberia in the development of primary education. The basis of the work is the material of the state archives in Chita, Irkutsk, Saint Petersburg and it is used in the scientific field for the first time. In the article the author characterized the system of primary education and the basic types of the educational institutions. The attention is paid to the different kinds of schools, i.e. municipal and rural ones, the principles of their foundation. The author has revealed that at the opening a rural school a special document which was called “prigovor” was settled. The main responsibilities of the peasants concerning keeping the school were fixed in the paper. The author marked that the responsibilities were not guaranteed to be fulfilled because it depended on the wealth of the population. The financial support of the municipal schools was fixed in the municipal budget, it was planned beforehand and it was paid in time. State Duma kept not only specialized schools but also teachers and students who needed in it. The author paid attention to the fact that as a result of the development of socio-economic relations among the population the demand for quality education has increased. In the beginning of the XX century the basic tendency of the development of the system of education was the reorganizing the old types of schools into the new ones. The author noted the increase in the costs of the local authorities for the educational purposes, for public education. It was concluded that the activity of the state Duma and the rural gatherings concerning education allowed to create a base for its further development on a more serious basis.

About the Authors

Mamkina Inna Nikolayevna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Head, Department of Theory of State and Law, Transbaikal State University, 140, Chkalov st., Chita, 664082, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(3022)26-72-18, e-mail: mail@zabgu.ru

For citation

Mamkina I.N. Educational Activity of the Local Authorities in Eastern Siberia in the Beginning of the XX Century. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2018, vol. 25, pp. 48-58 https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2018.25.48 (in Russian)

Eastern Siberia, power, self-government, primary education
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