ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2019. Vol. 27

Indigenous Population of Siberia and the Steppe Edge as the «Subalterns» of the Empire in the Social-Political Discourse of the Second Half of the XIX – the Beginning of the XX Century

M. K. Churkin

The article reveals the content of the socio-political discourse of the colonization of the eastern outskirts of the empire, one of the central issues of which was the discussion of the status of the indigenous population. The recognition of the interests of the indigenous population was most fully represented in liberal journalism, and the ideas of the Russification of indigenous groups were defended in the writings of adherents of the national-conservative direction of discourse. The study found that the views of the authorities on indigenous peoples were formed in close connection with the course and real conditions of the “internal” colonization. The agrarian migration to Siberia and some regions of the Trans-Urals, especially to the steppe regions, rhetorically became part of the ideology of “internal imperialism” at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries and positioned as the main national task. In connection with the growth of mass agrarian migration, when resettlement becomes universal, the idea of «appropriating» territories and defining indigenous peoples as subordinates of an empire, transmitted by supporters of national conservatism, becomes a priority at all levels of the state.

About the Authors

Churkin Mikhail Konstantinovich, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Department of National History, Omsk State Pedagogical University, 14, Tukhachevsky emb., Omsk, 644099, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(381)23-55-45, e-mail: proffchurkin@yandex.ru

For citation

Churkin M.K. Indigenous Population of Siberia and the Steppe Edge as the «Subalterns» of the Empire in the Social-Political Discourse of the Second Half of the XIX – the Beginning of the XX Century. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2019, vol. 27, pp. 27-35. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2019.27.27 (in Russian)

indigenous population, socio-political discourse, empire, internal colonization, «subalterns»
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