ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2019. Vol. 28

Features of Cossack Self-Government in Eastern Siberia in the Late XVII – First Quarter of the XVIII Century (by Example of The First Krasnoyarsk «Shatost» and the Second Krasnoyarsk «Shatost»)

А. A. Chernysheva

Siberia, with its endless open spaces and natural resources, was considered by the supreme power as an unconditional patrimony. Cossacks and governors were used as a support with the help of which the central government conducted its policy. But, from time to time, in the chain of “supreme power-local power-worldly organizations” there were failures. The local authorities, although interested in serving the Cossacks, very often came into conflict with him. Service people protected themselves, their own class interests and corporate rights, and not only from the claims of the greedy governor. Decisions of the supreme power, contradicting and damaging the class interests of the Cossacks, demanded great flexibility and considerable courage to protect them. On this basis, social conflicts occurred “smoothly” developing into revolts, protest movements. The article discusses the socio-political movements of the end of the XVII – the first quarter of the XVIII centuries, of which The Second Krasnoyarsk “shatost” of 1716–1722, almost unknown to science, was a clash between the serving Cossacks and the local authorities in the person of a dashing Dmitry Zubov. It was during periods of social tension, when the antagonism of the opposing sides reached the highest limit, that tendencies towards the self-government of the serving Cossacks are most clearly observed. The dialectic of the Cossack self-government is analyzed, often replacing the self-government of other classes. The complication of the relationship between the local administration and the service army and their peculiarities in the context of Peter's reforms and the emerging absolutism are shown.

About the Authors

Chernysheva Arina Alexandrovna, Postgraduate, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V. P. Astafyev, 89, Ada Lebedeva st., Krasnoyarsk, 664049, Russian Federation; Teacher of History Secondary School N 97 of Krasnoyarsk, 12v, Matrosov st., Krasnoyarsk, 660012, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(913)519-56-26, e-mail: Arina.4ernisheva@mail.ru

For citation

Chernysheva А.A. Features of Cossack Self-Government in Eastern Siberia in the Late XVII – First Quarter of the XVIII Century (by Example of the First Krasnoyarsk “Shatost” and the Second Krasnoyarsk “Shatost”). The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2019, vol. 28, pp. 6–16. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2019.28.6 (in Russian)

cossack self-government, The Second Krasnoyarsk “shatost”, tactics, absolutism, servicemen, voevoda
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