ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2019. Vol. 28

Emperor Sima Yao and Chinese Buddhism of the Eastern Jin Era

Ch. Ts. Tsyrenov, G. Nyamdag

The article based on the data of the Tang historical chronicle “Jin Shu” provides brief historical and biographical information about life and activities of the penultimate emperor of the South Chinese dynasty Eastern Jin (317–420 AD) Xiao Wu-di (Sima Yao, years of life 362–396, years of reign 372–396 AD) and his senior contemporary – Huiyuan (334–416) – the patriarch of South Chinese Buddhism. It was concluded that Sima Yao, as well as Huiyuan’scautious policy of neutrality towards various court and regional clans and groups, created the basis for strengthening the position of the Buddhist community at the court of the Eastern Jin dynasty.

About the Authors

Tsyrenov Chingis Tsibikdorzhievich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Research Scientist, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies SB RAS, 6, Sakhyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(3012)43-35-51, e-mail: chts17@mail.ru 

Nyamdag Ganbat, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Research Scientist, Institute of History and Archaeology of the MAS, 77, Jukov st., Ulaanbaatar, 13343, Mongolia, tel.: (+976) 9988-18-95, e-mail: nyamganbatu@gmail.com

For citation

Tsyrenov Ch.Ts., Nyamdag G., Emperor Sima Yao and Chinese Buddhism of the Eastern Jin Era. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2019, vol. 28, pp. 43-51. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2019.28.43 (in Russian)

Eastern Jin Dynasty, Southern China, Emperor Xiao Wu-di (Sima Yao), Early Chinese Buddhism, Huiyuan, court and regional groups
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