ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2019. Vol. 30

The Position of the Bank's Employees at the Bank at the Orphan’s House of E. Medvednikova and at the Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow Narodny Bank during the Economic Turbulence and Mobilizations of the Civil War in 1918–1920

E. V. Plotnikova

The publication examines the economic situation of employees of the banking sector of Irkutsk during the Civil War in 1918–1920. The negative economic factors of the region's development in this period are noted. The influence of the Civil War both on the direct participants of the battles and on the civilian population in the rear is emphasized. The facts of high food inflation are given. The article examines the basics and procedure for conscription in Irkutsk province during the Civil War. Lists of Bank employees called up to troops as a result of successive waves of mobilization are given. The procedure for granting benefits to mobilized employees and their families is considered. The facts of the difficult economic situation of Bank employees are given. Especially the position of the Bank's employees in the Bank at the Orphan’s House of E. Medvednikova is noted. The position of the Irkutsk branch of the Moscow. Narodny Bank as a cooperative institution is highlighted. The positive role of cooperation in alleviating the difficult financial situation of employees of cooperative organizations is noted. The measures taken by the management of banks for normalization of the situation of employees are specified. The conclusion is made about the unfavorable situation of Bank employees in the Irkutsk province during the Civil War, as well as about the negative impact of mobilization and inflation processes on the activities of banking institutions themselves.

About the Authors

Plotnikova Elena Vladislavovna, Postgraduate, Historical Faculty, Irkutsk State University, 1, K. Marx st., Irkutsk, 664003, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(3952)24-05-22, e-mail: Elena-angarsk@yandex.ru

For citation

Plotnikova E.V. The Position of the Bank's Employees at the Bank at the Orphan’s House of E. Medvednikova and at the Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow Narodny Bank during the Economic Turbulence and Mobilizations of the Civil War in 1918–1920. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2019, vol. 30, pp. 34-44. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2019.30.34 (in Russian)

Civil war, Irkutsk province, economic situation, inflation, Bank employees, Bank at the Orphan’s House of E. Medvednikova, Irkutsk branch of the Moscow Narodny Bank, mobilization
94 (571.5)
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