ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2020. Vol. 31

Creative Intelligentsia of Buryat-Mongolia During the Great Patriotic War

S. V. Kirichenko

In this article on various sources – archive documents, press materials – the contribution of the creative intelligentsia of Buryat-Mongolia to the Great Victory is shown. The subject of the study are people of creative professions, who developed culture and science, the vast majority of whom were engaged in social and spiritual spheres of the Soviet national autonomy, which was in the deep rear.

About the Authors

Kirichenko Svetlana Victorovna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Researcher, Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies SB RAS, 6, Sahyanova st., Ulan-Ude, 670047, Russian Federation, e-mail: l-a-n-a@mail.ru

For citation

Kirichenko S.V. Creative Intelligentsia of Buryat-Mongolia During the Great Patriotic War. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2020, vol. 31, pp. 44-51. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2020.31.44 (in Russian)

the Buryat ASSR, the Great Patriotic War, artistic intellectuals, writers, artists, journalists
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