ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2024. Vol 47

Decembrist’s movement in scientific publications by S. F. Koval

E. N. Tumanik
The article is devoted to the scientific heritage of S. F. Koval by study the movement of the Decembrists. The main concepts of his research are analyzed. A general assessment of his contribution to the Decembrist studies is given. The article analyzes the significance of S. F. Koval’s works of the context by Russian historiography. The role of the concept of S. F. Koval in the development of modern scientific research is presented.
About the Authors
Tumanik Ekaterina Nikolaevna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Senior Research Scientist, State Public Scientific Technological Library SB RAS, 15, Voskhod st., Novosibirsk, 630102, Russian Federation, e-mail: kattum@mail.ru
For citation
Tumanik E.N. Decembrist’s Movement in Scientific Publications by S. F. Koval. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2024, vol. 47, pp. 116-123. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2024.47.116 (in Russian)
S. F. Koval, historiography, Decembrist studies, Decembrists in Siberia, Decembrist’s movement.
  1. Koval S.F. (ed.) Dum vysokoe stremlen'e: Dekabristy v Sibiri [Thoughts high aspiration: Decembrists in Siberia], Irkutsk, Vostochno-Sibirskoye knizhnoye izd-vo Publ., 1975, 335 р. (in Russian)
  2. Koval S.F. Vladimir Fedoseevich Raevskij: K 200-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Vladimir Fedoseevich Raevsky: on the 200th birthday anniversary]. Zemlya Irkutskaya [Irkutsk land], 1996, no. 6, pp. 26–41. (in Russian)
  3. Koval S. F. Dekabrist V.F. Raevskij [Decembrist V.F. Raevsky], Irkutsk, Oblastnoe gosudarstvennoe izd-vo Publ, 1951, 132 p. (in Russian)
  4. Koval S.F. Dekabrist Nikolaj Aleksandrovich Bestuzhev [Decembrist Nikolai Alexandrovich Bestuzhev]. Bestuzhev N.A. Sochineniya i pisma [Essays and letters]. Irkutsk, Memorialnyj muzej dekabristov Publ., 2003, pp. 3–94. (in Russian)
  5. Koval S.F. Dekabristy v Sibiri: “za” i “protiv” revolyucionnogo puti [Decembrists in Siberia: “for” and “against” the revolutionary path]. Imperiya i liberaly [Empire and Liberals]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii. Sbornik esse. Saint Petersburg, Zhurnal “Zvezda” Publ., 2001, pp. 223–229. (in Russian)
  6. Koval S.F. Dekabristy v Sibiri (k istoriografii temy) [Decembrists in Siberia (to the historiography of the theme)]. Sibir i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, VostochnoSibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo Publ., 1985, iss. 4, pp. 177–194. (in Russian)
  7. Koval S.F. Dekabristy v Sibiri. Некоторые итоги и задачи исследования. Sibir i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, Vostochno-Sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo Publ., 1978, iss. 1, pp. 20-27. (in Russian)
  8. Koval S.F. Dekabristy i obshchestvennoye dvizheniye 50-kh – nachala 60-kh godov XIX veka [The Decembrists and the social movement of the 50s – early 60s of the 19th century]. V serdtsakh Otechestva synov [In the hearts of the Fatherland of sons]. Irkutsk, Vostochno-Sibirskoye knizhnoye izd-vo Publ., 1975, pp. 263-278. (in Russian)
  9. Koval S.F. Ob evolyucii vzglyadov dekabristov v Sibiri (k postanovke voprosa) [By the evolution of the views of the Decembrists in Siberia (to the formulation of the question)]. Sibir i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, Vostochno-Sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo Publ., 1981, iss. 2, pp. 6-22. (in Russian)
  10. Koval S.F. Replika v spore [Reply in the dispute]. Sibir i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, Vostochno-Sibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo Publ., 1983, iss. 3, pp. 149-152. (in Russian)
  11. Koval S.F. Stranichka iz zhizni dekabristov Mihaila i Nikolaya Bestuzhevyh na poselenii v Selenginske [A page from the life of the Decembrists Mikhail and Nikolai Bestuzhevs at the settlement in Selenginsk]. Sibir i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, Irkutskij muzej dekabristov Publ., 2009, iss. 6, pp. 25-47. (in Russian)
  12. Perceva T.A. Voin. Uchenyj. Uchitel [Warrior. Scientist. Teacher]. Sibir i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, Irkutskij muzej dekabristov Publ., 2009, iss. 6, pp. 4-8. (in Russian)
  13. Perceva T. A. Koval Semen Fedorovich (85 let so dnya rozhdeniya) [Koval Semyon Fedorovich (85th birthday)]. Priangar'e: gody, sobytiya, lyudi: kalendar znamenatelnyh i pamyatn6yh dat Irkutskoj oblasti na 2008 g. [Angara region: years, events, people: a calendar of significant and memorable dates of the Irkutsk region for 2008]. Irkutsk, izd-vo Irkutskoj oblastnoj gosudarstvennoj universal'noj nauchnoj biblioteki im. I.I. Molchanova-Sibirskogo Publ., 2007, pp. 158-163. (in Russian)
  14. Shatrova G.P. Dekabrist I.I. Gorbachevskij [Decembrist I.I. Gorbachevsky]. Krasnoyarsk, [b. i.], 1973, 198 p. (in Russian)
  15. Shatrova G.P. K voprosu o pozdnejshej evolyucii dekabrizma [On the question of the later evolution of Decembrism]. Sibir' i dekabristy [Siberia and the Decembrists]. Irkutsk, VostochnoSibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vo Publ., 1983, iss. 3, pp. 131-148. (in Russian)
  16. Shatrova G.P. Evolyuciya dekabrizma [The evolution of Decembrism]. Dekabristy i Sibir [Decembrists and Siberia]. Novosibirsk, Nauka, Sibirskoe otdelenie Publ., 1977, pp. 25-35. (in Russian)

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