ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2012. Vol. 1

Honour to Be Devoted to History (To the 60-th Anniversary of Vadim Petrovich Shakherov)

N. I. Gavrilova, I. L. Dameshek, S. L. Kuras

The article examines the scientific activity of Vadim Petrovich Shakherov, a well-known Irkutsk historian. It surveys the main areas of his researches completed within 1980s – 2010s. Authors mark contribution done by the Irkutsk scientist in the development of the Siberian historical urban studies.

biography, main research areas, Siberian merchant class, economic, social and cultural development of the Siberian city in late feudalism, city society, Decembrists studies, History of Russian America

1. History of Russian shop. – M. : Publishing Arkaim, 2006. – 256 p. (in a coauthorship).

2. Siberia as a part of the Russian Empire / I. L. Dameshek, L. M. Dameshek, V. P. Zinovyev, A. V. Remnev, N. G. Syvorova, V. P. Shakherov, M. V. Shilovskiy. – M. : Novoye literaturnoye obozreniye, 2007. – 368 p.

3. Shakherov V. P. The Eastern Siberian cities in the XVIIIth – the first half of the XIXth. c. Essays on social, economic and cultural life / V. P. Shakherov. – Irkutsk : Ottisk, 2001. – 264 p.

4. Shakherov V. P. Merchant Irkutsk: History of the City in personalities and lives / V. P. Shakherov. – Khabarovsk : Publishing house "Priamurskiye vedomosti", 2006. – 176 p.

5. Shakherov V. P. Entrepreneurs of the Baikal Siberia in the XVIIIth – the first half of the XIXth c.: Formation and main areas of activity / V. P. Shakherov. – Saarbruecken (Germany) : LAP LAMBERT Academic Pablishing, 2012. – 244 p.

6. Shakherov V. P. Role of the transport and spatial environment in the formation of the Baikal Siberian cities in the XVIIIth – the first half of the XIXth c. // Siberian City of the XVIIIth – the XXth c. – Irkutsk, 2010. – Issue 7. – P. 7–24.

7. Shakherov V. P. Social and economic development of the Upper Prilenye in the XVIIth – the first half of the XIXth c. / V. P. Shakherov. – Irkutsk : Ottisk, 2000. – 88 p.

8. Shakherov V. P. Economy of the Siberian pre-reform city (based on materials of the Baikal Siberian cities) : monograph / V. P. Shakherov. – Irkutsk : Publishing of the ISU, 2011. – 256 p.

9. Shakherov V. P. Economical and legal aspects of the Siberian urban class structure in late feudalism // Economic policy of tsarism in Siberia in the XIXth – the beginning of the XXth c. – Irkutsk, 1984. – P. 3–14.

10. Shteingueil V. I. Essays and letters. Vol. 1: Memoirs and letters / prepared by N. V. Zeyfman and V. P. Shakherov. – Irkutsk : East-Siberian publishing house, 1985. – 608 p. Shteingueil V. I. Essays and letters. Vol. 2: Memoirs and letters / foreword by V. P. Shakherov. – Irkutsk : East-Siberian publishing house, 1992. – 448 p.

11. Yakovleva T. A. Merchant Irkutsk became «closer to light for lazy and uninterested » // Historic and economic researches. – Irkutsk, 2006. – V. 7, N 2. – P. 167–170.

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