ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2020. Vol. 32

Inspection Corps of the Transbaikal Directorate of Public Schools: Sociocultural Portrait

I. N. Mamkina

In the article the first attempt to reconstruct the social cultural image of a public school inspector on the basis of the formulary lists and the paperwork of the central and regional archives was made in the second part of the XIX and in the beginning of the XX century. Historiographic analysis revealed a poor degree of knowledge of the problem. Sociocultural characteristics of the inspectors’ body represent an interest of study with the purpose to identify the status and the inspector's degree of influence on the development of culture and education. The main criteria for comparison were the level of education, professional experience, financial situation, the participation in public life. The investigation was made on the basis of the comparative analysis using both the systematic method and the prosopography method. As a result of the investigation it was established that for the first time in the Eastern Siberia the position of the public school inspector appeared in Zabaikalian region in 1872. During the period of 1872-1917 11 public school inspectors were established. Public school inspectors had higher or special education. After the graduation of the higher educational institutions everybody entered the service of the Ministry of Education. The author marked high professional level, the absence of incompetent staff among the inspectors. It was marked that all the inspectors had high ranks and state awards. They had an active social life. An analysis of financial situation showed a relatively high standard of living. It is noted that the revealed sociocultural traits corresponded to the appearance of the average officialdom. The special attention is given to the research activities of the inspectors. The participation of the majority of the inspectors in the scientific circles, expeditions is marked. The contribution of a number of inspectors to the development of regional science was evaluated. A comparative analysis showed that the inspector of public schools in the Trans-Baikal region, being in the public service, was closer in terms of socio-cultural characteristics to the intelligentsia than to officialdom in the second half of the XIX and in the beginning of the XX centuries.

About the Authors

Mamkina Inna Nikolayevna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Head, Department of Theory of State and Law, Transbaikal State University, 140, Chkalov st., Chita, 664082, Russian Federation, e-mail: mail@zabgu.ru

For citation

Mamkina I.N. Inspection Corps of the Transbaikal Directorate of Public Schools: Sociocultural Portrait. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2020, vol. 32, pp. 42-50. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2020.32.42 (in Russian)

Transbaikal Region, inspector of public schools, social status, official, financial situation, research, intelligentsia
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