ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2021. Vol. 36

Works of Opinion Journalism by Veniamin (Blagonravov): Objectives, Themes and Importance

N. P. Matkhanova

The article studies the works of opinion journalism by the bishop (after 1873 – the archbishop) Veniamin (Blagonravov). It is ascertained the number (five) of publications, list of their titles, time and venue of the first and following publications. The article analyzes and reconstructs the goals that the author tried to achieve, the main topics, and the impact of his works. As a result, it is found out that the thoughts of Veniamin were occupied by the struggle against the influence of Buddhism. The article concludes by arguing that the works of opinion journalism by Veniamin had a significant impact on public opinion and the position of state bodies.

About the Authors

Matkhanova Natalia Petrovna, Doctor of Sciences (History), Professor, Senior Research Associate, Institute of History SB RAS, 8, Nikolayev st., Novosibirsk,630090, e-mail: istochnik_history@mail.ru

For citation

Matkhanova N.P. Works of Opinion Journalism by Veniamin (Blagonravov): Objectives, Themes and Importance. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2021, vol. 36, pp. 15-22. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2021.36.15 (in Russian)

Russian Orthodox Church in Siberia, missioners, Church Journalism, Veniamin (Blagonravov).
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  2. V[eniami]n, Archbishop. Nastoyashchiy buddizm [True Buddhism]. Irkutskiye eparkhialnyye vedomosti [Irkutsk Diocesan Bulletin]. Addendums, 1890, no. 5, p. 6-10. (in Russian)
  3. Veniamin. O lamskom idolopoklonnicheskom suyeverii v Vostochnoy Sibiri [On the Lama’s Idolatrous Superstition in Eastern Siberia]. Irkutsk, Publishing House of N.N. Sinitsyn, 1882, 32 p. (in Russian)
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