ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2024. Vol 49

Formation and Use of the Regional Phraseological Unit “Permyak Salty Ears”

V. V. Shilov
A new phenomenon of mass culture is analyzed, which is represented by numerous monuments-brands for entertainment and information recognition of the territories of the Russian Federation. The issue of the emergence of the famous Perm brand associated with the “salt-eared Perm people”, the myths associated with it and the possibility of using this “symbol of hospitality” in our days is considered. It is argued that thoughtful and aesthetically pleasing art objects will contribute to the education of patriotism, especially at the local and regional levels, since the growth of national self-awareness is possible only on the best examples of historical and cultural heritage, and the allRussian culture itself consists of regional components, which is expressed in local variants. The loss of traditions, the loss of historical and cultural heritage will negatively affect not only the ethnocultural, but also the socio-economic, demographic, and political development of any region.
About the Authors
Shilov Vladimir Viktorovich, Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Head, Department of General Scientific Disciplines, Member of the Board of the Perm Branch of the Russian Society of Sociologists, Berezniki Branch of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, 7, Telman st., Berezniki, 618404, Russian Federation, e-mail: vvs595959@mail.ru
For citation

Shilov V.V. Formation and Use of the Regional Phraseological Unit “Permyak Salty Ears”. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2024, vol. 49, pp. 84-92. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2024.49.84 (in Russian)

heritage, culture of life, heroes and symbols, architectural ensemble, formation of national identity.
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