ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2011. Vol. 1

Significance of the Irkutsk City Council in the Course of the District Councils Extension in Siberia

M. M. Plotnikova

The article examines the role of the Irkutsk City Council (Municipal Duma) in the course of the district councils (zemstvo) extension in Siberia. The article focuses on the fact that at the beginning of the XX c. Duma supported such governmental initiatives and became the center of discussion of this question. In 1905 I. I. Popov the Municipal Duma deputy even wrote the project in order togive the examplar of zemstvo in Siberia. During the First World War the Municipal Duma formed the commission to emplement causes for institution of petition to establish the district councils in Eastern Siberia.

establishing of zemstvo in Siberia, Irkutsk City Council (Municipal Duma), projects of zemstvo organization, the commission to emplement causes for institution of petition to establish the district councils in Eastern Siberia

1. City self-government in Irkutsk: 220 years / under the general editorship of M. M. Plotnikova. Irkutsk : Publishing house of the ISU, 2008. – 243 p.

2. Popov I. I. Forgotten pages of Irkutsk. Editor's notes / I. I. Popov. – Irkutsk, 1989. – 384 p.

3. Nardova V. A. Autocracy and City Councils in Russia in late XIX – early XX c. / V. A. Nardova. – SPb. : Science, 1994. – 158 p.

4. Irkutsk. City Council [The report of the commission, March, 19th, 1905 The Address Project the Report Project in the Council of Ministers in the Irkutsk City Council… over the congress program of city's representatives]. – Irkutsk, [1905?]. – 24 p.

5. History of public self-government in Siberia in the second half of the XIX – early XX c. – Access mode: URL:http://www.history.nsc.ru/kapital/project/sg2/index.html. (last visit 01.06.2011)

6. Popov I. I. The project of Siberian district councils regulations / I. I. Popov. – Irkutsk : P. Kazantsev's Steam printing house, 1905. – 44 p.

7. Popov I. I. Self-government and district councils (on the establishment of zemstvo in Siberia) / I. I. Popov. – M. : the Printing house of the Society of useful books distribution, rented by V. I. Voronov, 1906. – 55 p.

8. Bulletin of Irkutsk City Public Administration. – 1915.– N 1–2. – Appendix.

9. Serebrennikov I. I. Strokes of misfortune. Diary 1914–1918-s / edit.-соmp. G.

S. Andreev, P. K. Konkin, P. A. Novikov comm. P. A. Novikov. – Irkutsk : Publisher Sapronov, 2008. – 592 p.

10. Bulletin of Irkutsk City Public Administration. Informal department. – 1916. – N 3–4.

Full text (russian)