ISSN 2222-9124 (Print)

List of issues > Series «History». 2019. Vol. 29

Ensuring the State Security of the Border Areas in the Far East at the Turn of the XIX–XX Сenturies

I. N. Mamkina

The article deals with the issues of state security in the border areas of the Far East. The relevance of the topic is due to the change in the foreign policy doctrine of the Russian Federation, the beginning of the strategy «Turn to the East». As part of the updated strategy, the study of historical heritage will make effective use of the experience gained. The analysis of domestic historiography showed the presence of different positions on the implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Empire in the Far East at the turn of the XIX – XX century. Russia's geopolitical interests in the region were manifested in the desire to expand the territory in the East of the Empire, its expansion and deterrence the growth of the Chinese population in the annexed territories. It is noted in the article that for the successful implementation of the geopolitical interests of the Russian Empire in the Far East, there were not enough social resources of the region. Maintaining the status of a great power required ensuring the state security of the border, accelerating the integration of the region into the common Imperial space, creating conditions for its socio-economic development. The article focuses on the activities of the local administration in the field of state security in the border areas. According to the author, the activity of the governors was the main factor ensuring the state security of the border. It is established that one of the key activities of the Supreme administration of the Amur General governorship is to establish control over the number of Chinese population in the annexed territory. On the basis of archival materials for the first time introduced into scientific circulation, the article defines a set of measures aimed at consolidating the Russian presence in the Far East. The article summarizes the experience of law-making activities of local authorities to regulate the entry, movement and residence of the Chinese population in the Far East. It is established that a wide range of organizational measures based on the discretion of local authorities were used to ensure the security of the border strip.

About the Authors

Mamkina Inna Nikolayevna, Candidate of Sciences (History), Head, Department of Theory of State and Law, Transbaikal State University, 140, Chkalov st., Chita, 672007, Russian Federation, tel.: 8(3022)26-72-18, e-mail: mail@zabgu.ru

For citation

Mamkina I.N. Ensuring the State Security of the Border Areas in the Far East at the Turn of the XIX–XX Сenturies. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series History, 2019, vol. 29, pp. 82-90. https://doi.org/10.26516/2222-9124.2019.29.82 (in Russian)

Far East, China, security, border territories, governor
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